Commander, Don Hinst
Ph: (813) 786-4965
About Post 108

Since our charter in 1934, our American Legion Post has welcomed VETERANS from all branches of our Armed Forces. Today, we continue to welcome all military personnel serving our country. Joining our Post enables you to continue serving your God, Country, and Community. Our mission is to implement the goals, aspirations, dreams, peace, and blessings for our country, friends, and families embodied in our preamble.
Membership Benefits

American Legion Auxiliary

Auxiliary Unit 108
Veteran’s spouses, daughters, and granddaughters applications are being accepted.
Get involved now, Unit 108 Charter in Florida 2022.
Contact Barabara Bird, President
Cell: 206.735.0597 Email: The Auxiliary meets the 4th Monday of Each Month 5 PM for Social and 6 PM for meeting at Plantations Palms Golf Club.
23253 Plantation Palms Blvd. Land O Lakes, FL 34639
Sons of the American Legion

Squadron 108
Chuck Kanarr, Squadron Commander
Bill Jaxheimer, Squadron 2nd Vice Commander
Bill Jaxheimer, Adjutant
Ruben Calles, Finance Officer
Russ McKee, III Chaplain
Bob Szymanowski, Sargent-at-Arms
Mike Nelson, Judge Advocate
Russell Harris, Executive Committee
Tony Pientka, Executive Committee
Denny Johnson, Executive Committee
Don’t wait to get involved and be part of the Foundation for The Post 108 Squadron. Join Now.
Chuck Kanarr, Squadron Commander
Ph: (352) 442-2213 Email:
Don Hinst, Commander Post 108,
Ph: (813) 786-4965
Join Us: Social 5-8 pm on the 4th Monday of each month.
Location: Plantation Palms Golf Club
23253 Plantation Palms Blvd. Land O’ Lakes, Fl 34639