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The Benefit Black Hole

The application process for U.S. Government Benefits is not meant to be easy. In fact, the process has intentionally been made as difficult as possible on the slight chance applicants might give up their efforts to obtain these benefits. This approach doesn’t just apply to veteran benefits; it is about

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The 13 Folds of the American Flag

Everything about our Nation’s Flag has a meaning lest we forget. RED symbolizes hardiness and valor. WHITE symbolizes purity and innocence. BLUE represents vigilance, perseverance, and justice. 50 STARS represent our 50 states. 13 STRIPES represent the original 13 colonies. What may be most striking of all, because of what

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Under Cover of Night, A Story About Captain Jack

It’s hard to read Captain Jack. Something about him screams military, yet he’s not a veteran. But, somehow, somewhere, there’s a connection to the military. Something in his past caused that look in his eye, that manner, and that undying love of American troops. So, we ply him in with

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Remembering New York

New York City, September 2000 We had been planning this trip for some time. My mom and I would travel to New Jersey every two years or so to visit family, drive by our childhood homes and neighborhoods, and eat the most amazing food in the country. Call us biased,

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The Day that Changed Everything

It has been 22 years since that typical morning in September. The world was moving along as it always had, with people getting up and going to work and school, boarding airplanes for long-awaited vacations, grabbing coffee in the shadows of the World Trade Center before heading up the elevators,

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Alternate Therapies: The Ayahuasca Experience

I watch the lone shadowy figure clad in black garments cross the third fence. He’s less than thirtyfive feet from our position. He has now entered our kill zone according to the guidelines from Control. “Waste him,” Sergeant Adams whispers. “What?” I flinch, turning towards him. “Why me?” I freeze, my mind suddenly blank. Sergeant Adam’s sarcastic whisper rings in my ears, “Cause it’s your turn, Newbee.”

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Veteran Homelessness: How Can We Help?

There isn’t one person, government, parent, or entity to blame for homelessness. Homelessness results from many misfortunes, sometimes only temporary, and sometimes a state that is difficult to escape. The reasons a veteran becomes homeless are not unlike the homeless population in general. Lack of employment, lack of affordable housing, inability to access resources, mental health issues, and substance abuse issues.

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Veteran Suicide: The Truth Behind The Numbers

A 20-passenger minibus full of local veterans crashed today, killing all – Imagine hearing that on the news every day. The public would demand to know why the buses have crashed, who is at fault, and how we fix it. When it comes to veteran suicide, we lack a definitive answer to these questions, so we continue to explore, question, and wonder what the hell is going on.

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