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I Know You

Welcome to Tampa, Sophros Recovery! Sophros Recovery’s first location opened in Jacksonville, Florida, in 2021, and its new Tampa location also serves central Floridians. Sophros Recovery is a treatment center for addiction and mental health challenges that started with founder Nick Padlo’s own experience with recovery. Nick, a West Point

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Finances & Capitalism

We feel like we have all the time in the world to consider retirement. As we age, the clock ticks a little faster. Can you actually run out of time to plan for retirement? No, but your options are much more significant, and your money’s growth is much vaster the younger you start. What does retirement look like in twenty or thirty years? Will Social Security still be available? If you have watched the national deficit grow to insurmountable levels, planning a life without Social Security seems safer.

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A Commander’s Thoughts on Afghanistan

The difference between then and now is the support for the troops. With Vietnam, you didn’t have that piece of it. I think everyone in the U.S. was upset with how Afghanistan went down. I don’t think it mattered if you were military or anti-military, Whereas, in Vietnam, many people didn’t support the troops. You couldn’t even wear your uniform in public without being harassed. So, very different in that regard.

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