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At Pride Strength Training in Tampa, Owner Kim Kasem has a way to touch these kids’ lives by offering them someone to talk to and a program to help them learn to live healthy and happy naturally. Removed are any references to “body fat”. Instead, Kim teaches them how to be healthy through food education and activity. Kim focuses on children around age ten and offers them education on mobility and strength. Kim’s programs focus on using their own body to build their body with examples and instruction.

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A Conversation with Keith Pacific

We are very grateful for the opportunity to serve veterans and their families. We have gotten involved with local Chambers of Commerce, VAN, and other Veteran groups to get out and meet people. We grow organically by word-of-mouth. We are just down the street from MacDill AFB, which helps our military patients.

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A Commander’s Heart

As a result, I have been part of the Travis Manion Foundation since day one. Truly, since day one. I became very close to his family. I was the one who had to call them shortly after Travis was killed. I learned that Travis had planned to run the Marine Corps Marathon with his Dad when he returned from Iraq.

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LaHarold Woodhouse iGolf4Vets

How do you pull yourself out of a dark place? We ask veteran LaHarold Woodhouse to share his journey. A journey that begins in a dark place but now finds LaHarold in the bright Florida sunshine, spending countless hours with other Tampa Bay veterans, teaching them how to manage anxiety through the game of Golf.

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