Wind Sport for Wounded Warriors

WS4WW 501(c)3 was founded in 2012 by Carlos Poysky, US Army Ranger, who saw the need to serve and empower wounded military service personnel through wind sports education. Our mission is to provide emotional support through active camaraderie, similar to what veterans are accustomed to as part of military service while learning the exciting watersports of kiteboarding, sailing, and more. Wind Sports for Wounded Warriors is an independent 501(c)3 non-profit organization that introduces them to the exciting, active, and healthy lifestyles of wind sports. We teach the injured veterans to wind sports at events held by our chapters several times per year and donate equipment and/or memberships to them so that they can continue to enjoy the sport and remain active. The training and continued participation in the sports benefits our veterans by reintegrating them into society via the diverse and outgoing wind sports community and provides emotional support by providing the camaraderie they became accustomed to as part of military service.


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