As you know, I have wrapped the bodies of my friends and heroes in the flag we so adore. I have bled, shed tears, and torn the fibers of my heart and soul for the love of this country, our flag, and the God that stands over us all. I have felt the pride of my heroes and the shame of our defeat. But, through it all, the flag has always waved high and proud in my heart. I love this country, and what it stands for, and above all else, I would give my life so it will always be the way it has been for the past two hundred years.
Yes, there will be blood spilled. Yes, innocent people will die. Yes, buildings will be tumbled to the ground, and terror like Americans have never seen. You ask why we suffer this horrid fate. Because, for far too long, we have had it all. We have been the land of the free and plenty. We have been given the right to choose our own destinies. In doing so, we have left the door open for those around the world who want the same thing but cannot have it. There are those who wish to take it away from us. The time has come, and if we are to keep our freedoms, we must be willing to stand up and protect what we have taken for granted.
Who do we make pay for the crimes and horror of the past week? Not a simple question. You knew Germans when we lived in Germany. Did you hate them for what Hitler did in World War II? No. Why? Because, like the Afghans, they have no freedom or power to stop the horror of people like Bin Laden or the Taliban. Should you hate all peoples of the Middle East or who are of a religion that does not follow our faith in God? No, but you must search down deep inside yourself for understanding.
Like Hitler, Osama Bin Laden will pay the price for his actions. But many will pay the highest price for that to happen. If we do not handle this now, many more will die because of our inaction. So, one way or the other, there will be death in great numbers and untold horror for some time to come.
My heroes, and all those who have died to give us what we have, did not die in vain. They gave us what we had until Sept. 11, 2001. Now, new heroes will give their all to give it back to us and to keep our flag flying higher and with more pride than ever before.
How do I know this? Because we are Americans, that is the simple truth. We will take on the evil of this world and bring it to its knees no matter the cost. Because we are the only ones who can do it. The world depends on us to set it right.
What can you do? Pray and trust in God. Live your life in the manner those who gave their all intended. Stand tall. It will take people like you to keep the country going while the war rages on. The country must live on day to day. Only some people can pick up the sword and fight evil. Some of us must keep living the way Americans are born to live to prove to the Bin Ladens of the world that we cannot be deterred. We do not cower in fear. We will not tremble at the hands of evil. We are Americans, and we are here to stay.
Stand fast and stay the course!
Love you always and forever,
Trust in God! Trust in your Country! Salute the flag with pride! You are an American!