Happy Thanksgiving

By Chris “Ranger” Gay

Happy Thanksgiving to all my military folks and those that support us. As we prepare for Thanksgiving, I always like to reflect on what I am truly thankful for.

First and foremost, that I can live freely in the greatest country on the planet. After having traveled all through Europe, Southeast Asia, the Middle East, and South America, I can honestly say no other country on earth enjoys the freedoms that we have.

Some other things I am truly thankful for, the fact that I can write this article with no worries about what my government will say about it. That I can not only own a firearms store but can own as many firearms as I want with few limitations (I am still a little pissed that there are any restrictions on which firearms I can own).

I am thankful that I can go earn a living any way that I wish.  In some countries, whatever your parents do for a living is what you will be doing for a living. Not necessarily a rule but it is their culture to do so. So, I am very thankful that I was able to do whatever my heart desired when I entered the workforce.

I am thankful that I was able to start my own business and make it thrive without having to get government permission to do so. Granted, I own a business in the most regulated industry there is, but I was still free to start this venture without many obstacles. I am also thankful that my customers are free to come in and learn, touch, hold, and purchase the firearms in which they are interested. They can purchase as much ammo, parts, or accessories as they wish.

I am thankful for the time being, that we are free to build a firearm if we want. This may change in the future, but for now you are able to purchase the parts you need, or mill them yourself, to assemble and use your own firearm.

I am thankful that I do not need any special permission to go to the range and practice shooting my firearm.

And finally, I am thankful for my friends, customers, and family. All three hold a special place in my heart for varied reasons. I have friends that enjoy the same things I do, and we love to get together. I have customers that educate me (at least as much as I educate them) on all thing’s firearms. And my family gives me the peace and joy that I am doing all of this for a reason.

Ted and I are both extremely thankful for our military careers that molded us into the people we are today and have shaped us into contributing members of our society (for those that have known us for a long time, that last part was not a given until our military time).

So, from us to all of you, celebrate your freedoms and do not forget to be thankful for what you have. Even though it may be difficult to see at times, we are living in the freest place on earth, so enjoy your family and make sure you take a moment to remember all of those that are on the front lines keeping us free!


EDITOR’S NOTE: Chris “Ranger” Gay is a U.S. Army veteran and the owner of 2nd Amendment Armory in Brandon, Florida.


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