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By Kurt Waterstradt

There’s a special bond between a person and their pet(s). They become family, but not like the family that only visits on the holidays or sends the obligatory birthday card. Pets become the stalwart family member that’s always there for you. No matter what’s happening, happy or sad, rain or shine, they are steady and faithful.

We can learn a lot from animals. While their life might not be as complicated as yours, they have an inherent quality everyone appreciates. They don’t ask themselves whether or not a person deserves their empathy and affection. In the purest way, pets are completely magnanimous in their displays of empathy and affection.

If you grew up with a pet, you know how effortless the empathy and love they share is. Whether you had a good day or bad, they instinctually support you in the moment. If you’re sad, they comfort you. If you’re happy, they’re ecstatic. In my opinion, this is the purest form of empathy on the planet.

While we celebrate the amazing stories of service animals, let’s focus on their intrinsic empathetic nature. That’s their true superpower.

While different animals have amazing physical abilities, they all have this empathetic devotion in their DNA. I am grateful for service animals because they’re a living reminder to live with empathy, especially when life is challenging.

You might be experiencing challenging times. Others closest to you might be going through some challenges. The world feels challenging. You probably pass legions of people struggling every day. However, unlike our furry friends, our empathy gets dialed up or down based on reasons that, in the end, don’t really matter.

Instead of natural empathy for the other person, we trivialize the differences. These demographics—that we created by the way—are factored into whether we choose to express empathy for another human. This isn’t accusatory, as I’ve done this before too. And I am sorry for it.

It’s our shared humanity that makes us stronger, not our differences. We need to remember that. At our core, humans are good and kind. Regardless of the reasons why we might disagree—and I know we’re good at finding those—it’s time to put them aside.

Take a cue from the service animals and pets you see every day. Allow your empathy to be unrestrained, and uncompromising.

Judith Orloff, a psychiatrist and best-selling author, said, “Empathy is the medicine the world needs.”

You are the medicine. You can choose empathy and help someone else and yourself. Anytime you help someone, you inherently feel better, right?

Every action, from opening the door for a stranger to dropping some money into a person’s cup that’s suffering, is medicine with incalculable positive ripple effects.

The next time you see your pet, pass a person walking their dog, or encounter a service animal helping a person in need, think about their heroic empathy, and choose to honor them by following their example. The world, and you, will be better for it.


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