The Temporary Disability Rating Increase
Did you know that if you are hospitalized for at least 21 days or are immobilized following surgery for at least one month due to a service-connected disability, you can apply for a temporary 100% disability rating?
Even if you didn’t have surgery but had one or more major joints immobilized by a cast, you may qualify.
Example as published at: https://www.va.gov/disability/eligibility/special-claims/temporary-increase-after-surgery-or-cast/
Example: A veteran had a left knee injury that resulted in a 30% disability rating. As the knee problem got worse, the veteran’s VA doctor recommended surgery to stop more damage from happening. Since the doctor wouldn’t know if the surgery was successful until three months after the veteran’s one-week stay in the hospital, the VA granted the veteran a temporary 100% disability rating for three months.
Aid & Attendance Benefits and Housebound Allowance
Are you a housebound veteran receiving a VA pension who requires another person’s assistance to perform daily activities such as bathing, feeding, or dressing? Are you a veteran with vision impairments or required to remain in bed because of an illness? Are you in a nursing home due to loss of mental or physical abilities?
If any of these apply, you may qualify for Aid and Attendance Benefits, which are additional funds added to your monthly VA pension to offset the cost of personal care.
The additional funding can offset the cost of nursing homes, assisted living programs, and other long-term care options. Couples can receive up to $25,020 per year, and surviving spouses of veterans may be eligible for $1,318 per month or $15,816 per year to cover their own long-term care costs.
Example: A veteran lost his vision due to a service-connected disability and is unable to manage everyday tasks such as medication preparation, house cleaning, and at-home first-aid care, and is unable to drive to doctor appointments and other commitments. The VA has granted additional funding to his VA pension to hire a personal care assistant.
Veteran Readiness and Employment (Chapter 31)
For veterans with a service-connected disability that limits their ability to work, there is the Veteran Readiness and Employment program that can help. The program can assist with federal job priority placement and acquiring a non-college degree certification in fields like HVAC repair, truck driving, emergency medical training, cosmetology, flight school, and even SCUBA Divemaster certifications. Family members may also qualify!
The VET TEC Program (Veterans Technology Education Courses)
If you meet the program requirements, you can get training in various high-demand fields like computer software, computer programming, data processing, information science, and media applications. The program provides tuition for full-time high-tech training programs and money for your household during training. The VET TEC Program has recently expanded to include eligibility for service members close to their separation date. The program has also made it easier to find expert instructors. These recent changes included increased funding from $15 million to $45 million to serve more veterans and service members.
Click Here to Apply
Survivor Benefits
Many benefits are available to the surviving spouse or dependent child of a veteran. These benefits can include reimbursement for burial and funeral costs and free headstones and grave markers. Survivors can even request a US Flag, a Presidential Memorial Certificate, and a Government Medallion to honor their veteran.
It is difficult to concentrate on these intricacies when dealing with the loss of a loved one. We recommend speaking with a local Veterans Services Officer and/or a veteran funeral specialist like Veterans Funeral Care in Clearwater, Florida, to ensure you understand all benefits reserved for you as a surviving spouse or dependent child.
Automobile Allowance
The VA may pay up to $25,603 for a specially equipped vehicle if you have a service-connected disability that prevents you from driving.
Click Here for Eligibility Requirements
Space-A Travel
Service members and their families can use Space-A flights to travel around the country and world at a reduced cost or for free!
Click here for MacDill AFB Space-A Specifics
We found some great tips at www.militaryonesource.mil!
Click here to read the article: “7 Space-A Tips and Tricks for Experienced Military Travelers”
Florida-Specific Benefits
“Florida waives undergraduate-level tuition at state universities and community colleges for Florida recipients of the Purple Heart and other combat-related decorations superior in precedence to the Purple Heart. The waiver program also includes the state’s career and technical training facilities,” says James “Hammer” Hartsell, Deputy Director of Florida Department of Veterans Affairs.
Did you know? If you were discharged under honorable conditions, have a 100% disability rating, have been a Florida resident for the past five years (continuously), or have established residency in Florida, you can apply for one free disabled veteran “DV” license plate for your vehicle.
With a “DV” license plate, you can park in any designated accessible parking space.
And, get this: no state agency, county, municipality, or agency may charge the driver of a vehicle displaying a “DV” license plate any fee for parking on public streets, highways, or in any metered parking spaces*.
Also, you get free parking at any Florida airport!
Did you know? If you have a 100% disability rating, you do not pay property taxes in Florida. You are still responsible for paying your home’s CDD or HOA fees. If you have a VA-certified service-connected disability of 10% or higher, you are entitled to a $5,000 property tax exemption. You must file for this exemption at your local county tax office.
Click Here to learn more about Florida’s Veteran Benefits.
* You are allowed to park for free up to four hours in any on-street metered space (unless signage posted restricts the time to park)—this includes Florida beach parking! It does not include privately owned parking lots.