Veterans Survey Caregiver’s Survey
Hello. I am Venita Ramirez, a medically retired U.S. Air Force veteran and doctoral candidate at the University of South Florida College of Public Health.
If you answer yes to these questions, please participate in my research project by completing a 10-15 minute anonymous survey. I’m exploring ways to improve care for veterans by enhancing their family caregivers’ ability to manage and respond to mental health crises.
• Are you a veteran who currently or has previously experienced mental health-related challenges?
• Are you a relative, partner, or friend who assists a veteran with mental health challenges?
Why get involved? Your participation will help us take meaningful steps to support veterans and family caregivers within months. Your insights will be used to:
• Develop free products for governmental and grassroots agencies supporting veterans and caregivers
• Advocate regionally and nationally
Potential benefits of your participation include:
• Opportunity to guide mental health support efforts for veterans
• Serve as an advocate for local and federal mental health crisis resources
To participate, please visit the respective survey link below.
Veterans Survey Caregiver’s Survey
For more information, contact principal investigator Venita Ramirez at (IRB # 007866).