with Dr. Rebecca Klingenschmitt Active Solutions Rehab and Wellness

FIND those moments you can take for yourself, even briefly. You don’t have to go on an hour-long walk; take 10 or 15 minutes to focus on stretching, breathing, and maybe even jogging in place.
GO ONLINE. There is so much out there on the internet right now. I like exercise. Let’s say you enjoy Yoga. There are all kinds of Yoga practices and free instruction videos on the internet, especially YouTube, Apple TV, and other sites. Just get your body moving.
WAKE UP. With toddlers, it can be trickier. I know moms who force themselves to wake up before their kids to get a little time. Wake up thirty minutes before your children do, and just be you.
Can you devote five minutes per day, every single day? Or, at least, most days of the week? The American Academy of Sports Medicine recommends at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise (with heart rate elevated). You can break that up into little chunks. Thirty minutes at a time may be daunting, so do five or ten minutes at a time instead. When you break it up, ten minutes, three times per day, isn’t so bad.