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Three Veterans Recall 9/11

I watch the lone shadowy figure clad in black garments cross the third fence. He’s less than thirtyfive feet from our position. He has now entered our kill zone according to the guidelines from Control. “Waste him,” Sergeant Adams whispers. “What?” I flinch, turning towards him. “Why me?” I freeze, my mind suddenly blank. Sergeant Adam’s sarcastic whisper rings in my ears, “Cause it’s your turn, Newbee.”

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Alternate Therapies: The Ayahuasca Experience

I watch the lone shadowy figure clad in black garments cross the third fence. He’s less than thirtyfive feet from our position. He has now entered our kill zone according to the guidelines from Control. “Waste him,” Sergeant Adams whispers. “What?” I flinch, turning towards him. “Why me?” I freeze, my mind suddenly blank. Sergeant Adam’s sarcastic whisper rings in my ears, “Cause it’s your turn, Newbee.”

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LaHarold Woodhouse iGolf4Vets

How do you pull yourself out of a dark place? We ask veteran LaHarold Woodhouse to share his journey. A journey that begins in a dark place but now finds LaHarold in the bright Florida sunshine, spending countless hours with other Tampa Bay veterans, teaching them how to manage anxiety through the game of Golf.

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Veteran Suicide: The Truth Behind The Numbers

A 20-passenger minibus full of local veterans crashed today, killing all – Imagine hearing that on the news every day. The public would demand to know why the buses have crashed, who is at fault, and how we fix it. When it comes to veteran suicide, we lack a definitive answer to these questions, so we continue to explore, question, and wonder what the hell is going on.

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Dr. Damon’s SOF Missions BE RESILIENT Clinic

You commit to yourself, and SOF Missions commits to you. Your healing journey begins with that first call to SOF Missions. As you enter the SOF Missions BE RESILIENT CLINIC, you are embraced in a most extraordinary way. Dr. Friedman has brought together a team of experts just for you; they are steadfast, ready to serve with the intention to explore, identify, and restore your mind, body, and soul. The journey begins with a 5-day intensive clinic, but it does not end there. SOF Missions journeys with you for up to 365 days of follow-up care.

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Chapter 1 – The Tower

I watch the lone shadowy figure clad in black garments cross the third fence. He’s less than thirtyfive feet from our position. He has now entered our kill zone according to the guidelines from Control. “Waste him,” Sergeant Adams whispers. “What?” I flinch, turning towards him. “Why me?” I freeze, my mind suddenly blank. Sergeant Adam’s sarcastic whisper rings in my ears, “Cause it’s your turn, Newbee.”

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