By Stephen J. Del Castillo

I took about four hours out of my Sunday this weekend to take some business training. Sure enough, the investment didn’t disappoint.

I learned some things and was reminded of other things about business, leadership, and entrepreneurship.

I love learning. So as I verify with the three questions at the end of every Krav Maga Martial Arts class: Yes, I did have fun, do my best, and learned something new or made something better.

One thing jumped out in the training that I would like to share with you, as I think this is relevant to whatever you do.

The teacher said that there are only a handful of things that every successful business leader has in common and that the one that he’s sure everyone shares is the growth mindset.

This reminder was edifying to me in two important ways:

  1. This is a strength for me and the single thing that has allowed me to improve myself in every way from year to year.
  2. This is one of the important attributes that we develop as Blackbelt Leaders at Krav Maga Martial Arts.

The teacher, Vishen Lakhiani, talked about how rare the trait is, though common to the most successful people, and how the very decision to invest a part of a weekend to grow personally is a foreign idea to most.

He also explained that the most successful business leaders he knows have a growth mindset and that, contrary to what we may think, say, or believe, these don’t compete but are synergistic.

For example, health, fitness, and good relationships don’t compete with but rather work together to multiply one’s career success.

Like so many leadership truths, I think the premise is about as true as we make it to be. It will work as well as we work it. I plan to make it true for me. I hope you do as well.


EDITOR’S NOTE: Stephen J. Del Castillo is a Krav Maga Grand Master and Founding Master Instructor of Krav Maga Martial Arts (KMMA) school in Lutz, Florida.


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