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The Power Of Nature

Some of us are guilty of going brainless in front of the TV with a tray full of snacks. The impact of these harmful habits is evident in Harvard University’s report on Adult Obesity Trends, where they claim two out of three U.S. adults are overweight or obese, totaling 69 percent of all Americans. The obesity rate in America continues to grow, especially among children, with more time spent indoors on computers and social media. The good news is, your local county parks offer incredible guided programs to help you get the most out of a healthy park visit.

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Self Care

Can you devote five minutes per day, every single day? Or, at least, most days of the week? The American Academy of Sports Medicine recommends at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise (with heart rate elevated). You can break that up into little chunks. Thirty minutes at a time may be daunting, so do five or ten minutes at a time instead. When you break it up, ten minutes, three times per day, isn’t so bad.

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Employment on the Wellness Spectrum

A great analogy is The Shawshank Redemption. The prisoners did not love being in prison, but they had a sense of camaraderie there. You knew your place in the military; your rank meant something. You have a uniform, and you know how to get things done. You become very comfortable in that, especially if you’ve been in for 10-plus years. To leave that all behind is hard.

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Empath Health Serves and Celebrates Those Who Have Served Us

For decades, Empath Health and its affiliate healthcare organizations have delivered full life care to everyone with advanced or chronic illnesses in the Tampa Bay area. It became evident to Empath’s clinical experts early on, though, that military veterans’ experiences toward the end of life are different than what civilians go through.

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Eat More Food!

On my journey, I realized that once I started to eat and exercise less, I began to see positive changes in my body. I began feeling better mentally. Before, I was doing what everybody thought I should do, eating small meals throughout the day; fat-free cottage cheese, tuna fish, eggs, chicken, and vegetables. I was eating a balanced diet, but I wasn’t eating enough.

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At Pride Strength Training in Tampa, Owner Kim Kasem has a way to touch these kids’ lives by offering them someone to talk to and a program to help them learn to live healthy and happy naturally. Removed are any references to “body fat”. Instead, Kim teaches them how to be healthy through food education and activity. Kim focuses on children around age ten and offers them education on mobility and strength. Kim’s programs focus on using their own body to build their body with examples and instruction.

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Angry With God?

There is an invisible and gentle current in our lives that can peacefully carry us to eternal life. It is always there, ready for when we are prepared to accept it by placing our trust in our Heavenly Father. We choose to believe this, accept it, and freely embrace it.

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Veteran Suicide: The Truth Behind The Numbers

A 20-passenger minibus full of local veterans crashed today, killing all – Imagine hearing that on the news every day. The public would demand to know why the buses have crashed, who is at fault, and how we fix it. When it comes to veteran suicide, we lack a definitive answer to these questions, so we continue to explore, question, and wonder what the hell is going on.

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Dr. Damon’s SOF Missions BE RESILIENT Clinic

You commit to yourself, and SOF Missions commits to you. Your healing journey begins with that first call to SOF Missions. As you enter the SOF Missions BE RESILIENT CLINIC, you are embraced in a most extraordinary way. Dr. Friedman has brought together a team of experts just for you; they are steadfast, ready to serve with the intention to explore, identify, and restore your mind, body, and soul. The journey begins with a 5-day intensive clinic, but it does not end there. SOF Missions journeys with you for up to 365 days of follow-up care.

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Rich Corson & The Warrior Health & Fitness Program

I decided to participate for my own self-improvement, but also to better understand what the program entails and offers to the military/vets so that I am better able to advise others. The overall goal of Warrior Health and Fitness is to empower Warriors to take control of their physical well-being by utilizing trainers, registered dieticians, and yoga instructors.

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