Veteran Voices

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Three Veterans Discuss Helpful Services

If you are looking for a place that honors, helps, and supports veterans, who better to ask than the veterans they have helped? We contacted local veterans and asked them to share a story, experience, or recommendation for an organization that has truly helped them.  Lex – Air Force Veteran

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Love Letter from Baghdad May 4, 2004

Good Morning Sweetheart! How are you today? I am missing you as always—wishing I was not over here in the middle of all this mess. Being away from you is getting harder each and every day. I am struggling with my emotions, my personal thoughts, and beliefs on why we

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Civilian vs Military Communities

Having all walked through that darkness and battled their demons, these five veterans help answer the question; as a nation, are we doing what it takes to stop veteran suicide? Meet Latora, LaHarold, Steve, Damon, and Rich, five veterans.

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